In the dark

It seems there is a valid reason nobody understands or likes Horoscorpio presently. Is this because Horoscorpio the Entity necessarily reduces them based on their presuppositions, and to a finite degree? Indeed, and unless like the Phoenix, they can arise from their own ashes, they cannot conceivably act upon such deeds being incorporated. The company needs simple help now;
1) To read the Founders book series and give truthful reviews. 2) Forever apply oneself to clarify the misapprehension about astrology (False- A future telling service, True- A technique utilizing a repository of wisdom for predictive measures, including transformations leading to the aforementioned 'presupposition reductions') 3) Open your mind to the idea of emancipation, from imprisonment, illusion and ill-begotten guises.
The fact that people generally live their lives with their feelings, as based on intuition and instincts, means that a advanced Spectronomy is currently being used, but -off- the record. Its a simple matter of fact actually. When you feel and identify things, emotions and thoughts, they have a familiarity to them. Generally once learning to recognize the full set, one individual may operate on a kind of auto-pilot whereby they are not 'open' to foreign forces, lest their set be corrupted. Meaning the intuitive rejection of something, or acceptance on the other hand. If and as according to the potential of ECNE and Horoscorpio, a Full and Unique Set of Forces are available in descriptive terms, it would obviously always remain external to the non-descriptive Forms, and even to very perception itself potentially, in a perfect Form. Its the nature of reality and the forms of individuality within society presently.
Having thought and feelings themselves can seem externally sourced at times, and or from oneself in a alternative timespace. Of course the alignment of the timespace continuum is well beyond common perception and not required by anyone just to experience and live life. However those wanting more, can have and are thus required to exist with the alternative timespaces of the continuum, and thus matching feelings or thoughts to those they currently have, did, or will, along with others harbouring, having had, or also attempting to gain them.
Horoscorpio is aiming at consolidating the forces herein described, those used by people to perform their acts, innately, so that one may better know reality with a referential force. It is thus a deep override of the natural presuppositions and determinations set in force. Using the Archetypes would ultimately venerate foreign forces where they are susceptible, thus overcoming their negative potential. This as a obstacle is also currently one the company is facing in gauging awareness for the Cause ECNE and attaining the Equity required to produce the tools. Of course the Founder is not alone, and he and his current team also have the identical challenges faced by many facets of the mainstream business and government. It's why thus that in 'sourcing', Horoscorpio will mostly benefit people. In their abilities to source their thoughts and feelings, and thus know them, and themselves and each other.


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