Geocentric and Heliocentric

What's going to be facinating with a proper planetological facility like Horoscorpio is the prime arc consortiums. I have postulated somewhat in my science fiction books about, but having never seen the real data I haven't anything to 'ground' the theory, for lack of better terms. What I will propose is what I comphend presently at least, that is that social groups are coordinated innately to planetary cycles in finite gravitational differentiation. The colours and shapes have measurable appeal and constructivist approaches to planetology will benefit, but ultimately an innate assembly would become evident (by chaos theory). The relation to regular astrology would serve better in this fashion being that the acute measurements would serve to complexify and set nothing more than redundancy in collaborate trending after certain scales. Thus consortiums accorded to the galactic sectors is prime in divisional setting regarding for example one million peoples trends or 17 million peoples shared habits depending how you look at it (knock knock:). Really key to this scale is the alteration of catagorical assembly in the heliocentric and geocentric differentiation. As one percieves formations in relative spectronomy the alternative scales would proove comparative to judge the decentered perspective or non-self centered with self centered and centered (communal).


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