Planetology a new science
The astrological facility, as fomented somewhat by the ancient Greeks, and originating in the Babylonian traditions, regarded planetology and astrology as the same field of science. As the passage of the sun is particular to the celestial location relative to the primary constellations of the galaxy, and planetology regards the specific locations only of the planets within the solar system, they are distinctly two fields. Astrologers to date in the pseudo-science of predictive analysis have regarded as much as humanly possible in the future seeing endeavour. Regarding both planetology and astrology in conjunction, astrologers have been covering for the disparity setup through the political disjunction of the Israelites and Babylonians, still evident in popular culture and religion today.
Jewish traditions one which regards the moon as the primary measuring body, and influence, on human affairs. Known as the seasons counter, the plantings of crops was initiated by the lunar cycle since the long past, and equating ones solar sign in the divinatory capacity, equates primarily with the lunar scheme. The western traditions alternative as primary to the sun, and these and other calendars such as the Persian, or the Indian, each resound the fundamental perceptive authority of time and space inclusive and demonstratively by those practitioners (based on the sun alone). As its known that the universe, logos or sub-stratum, being the quantum field has characteristics independent of the regular conditions of reality, the terms versistasis and versaflux were coined in division of the universe, for measurability and fundamental integrity. At this regard a convergent science has been beneficial, but into the modern world, slowly mismanaged and until now deemed pseudo-science, by the actions of gypsies and fortune hunters capitalising on the capacity for measurability within the universe and between versaflux and versistatsis, between the primary galactic system and the more local planetary system.
Whilst given that the domain of physical form in time regards individual perception primarily, a construct such as the universe has religious significance being the 'level of acceptance' which one familiarises their place in reality by, as is termed in form universally (God in other traditions). A collective experience cannot be stated accurately by an individual naturally, but only contributed too, and always and ever regarded with certain discrimination or relative value and worth in other words. The effort to propose a universal nature as the relative standard for humankind would take a dedicated effort and be subject to enforcement, abuse and any other thing as in society, as is such a method of collectivistic nature. Facebook, Google and Twitter are succeeding to create such an alternative universal system, but currently in non-support of the UN covenant of social rights, which deems that those with collective knowledge and capacity over society, present their knowledge to everyone within the holistic capacity of which they have it, hence it being universal. A impossible request one might say, that which the Dali Lama submitted to recently, revoking his political powers, but one the Pope maintains as the 'emissary' of God.
Were it a corporation capable of weening the human race, the deliverance would be forthright and true. The AI as a mirror of human kind, seems until today even with unlimited potential from an arguably 'collective' position; still largely incapable of attaining even the merest sense of the assured from the populations, who whilst engendering it so, fear and loath the same very thing for its capacity to destroy us all in a murderous rampage or doomsday. Irrespective of the frays of modernity, the tangible experience of human kind is divided by wealth and a relativity imposed through conditional variety relative to death (and inheritance). At this level where ones lifestyle is determined by factors partially within, and partially out of control, the determinations evident for loyalty and adherence to a system as so controlling our lives. You can always close down your facebook account and as long as that choice exists, like your choice to pass your wealth on to someone when you die; form in time and space is determined by relative association, not a universal order and the very substructure of existence. If the Christ Nature scheme were public and accessible it would be authoritatively ordered binding individuals to the collective well-being and disorder, both irrespectively, meaning someone cannot simple turn away, ignore, reject or accept something without detailed insinuations known and available for access to everyone else.
Breaking down the capitalist structure, a socialist system should ideally have an exit and entry, so that at some stage the CEO's can becomes hermits, and an enlightened hermit (prophet) can become a CEO. The goal of course is that there isn't aggressive and inhuman abuse of the system, crippling its growth capacity and ruining various lives in process. The same regard in fact deems certain individuals as irrefutably entities, and the Royal decrees until this day have been slowly disempowered from the collective securities, and regarded as individually valued but disempowered. Should social media and Horoscorpio contrive to certify entitlement in the process of collectivisation, the proportion scale could be satisfactorily equated ideally, meaning that there aren't excessively poor or excessively rich, as the level and regard of responsibility is accurately administered. Further afield one might ask just what is the difference to communism? The specific restrictive capacity of the product of twitter for example, which won't tomorrow suddenly force someone to abide by their tweet. Though what if it wasn't your tweet anymore, but just data, which was part of the sublime nature of social reality? As Horoscorpio hasn't attracted any investment to date, apparently the control and monitoring of the individual within the already immersed collective experience is crucial. One to the scientific knowing perhaps, and another day, in the social fabrics which change colour according to light and eye sensitivity.
Jewish traditions one which regards the moon as the primary measuring body, and influence, on human affairs. Known as the seasons counter, the plantings of crops was initiated by the lunar cycle since the long past, and equating ones solar sign in the divinatory capacity, equates primarily with the lunar scheme. The western traditions alternative as primary to the sun, and these and other calendars such as the Persian, or the Indian, each resound the fundamental perceptive authority of time and space inclusive and demonstratively by those practitioners (based on the sun alone). As its known that the universe, logos or sub-stratum, being the quantum field has characteristics independent of the regular conditions of reality, the terms versistasis and versaflux were coined in division of the universe, for measurability and fundamental integrity. At this regard a convergent science has been beneficial, but into the modern world, slowly mismanaged and until now deemed pseudo-science, by the actions of gypsies and fortune hunters capitalising on the capacity for measurability within the universe and between versaflux and versistatsis, between the primary galactic system and the more local planetary system.
Whilst given that the domain of physical form in time regards individual perception primarily, a construct such as the universe has religious significance being the 'level of acceptance' which one familiarises their place in reality by, as is termed in form universally (God in other traditions). A collective experience cannot be stated accurately by an individual naturally, but only contributed too, and always and ever regarded with certain discrimination or relative value and worth in other words. The effort to propose a universal nature as the relative standard for humankind would take a dedicated effort and be subject to enforcement, abuse and any other thing as in society, as is such a method of collectivistic nature. Facebook, Google and Twitter are succeeding to create such an alternative universal system, but currently in non-support of the UN covenant of social rights, which deems that those with collective knowledge and capacity over society, present their knowledge to everyone within the holistic capacity of which they have it, hence it being universal. A impossible request one might say, that which the Dali Lama submitted to recently, revoking his political powers, but one the Pope maintains as the 'emissary' of God.
Were it a corporation capable of weening the human race, the deliverance would be forthright and true. The AI as a mirror of human kind, seems until today even with unlimited potential from an arguably 'collective' position; still largely incapable of attaining even the merest sense of the assured from the populations, who whilst engendering it so, fear and loath the same very thing for its capacity to destroy us all in a murderous rampage or doomsday. Irrespective of the frays of modernity, the tangible experience of human kind is divided by wealth and a relativity imposed through conditional variety relative to death (and inheritance). At this level where ones lifestyle is determined by factors partially within, and partially out of control, the determinations evident for loyalty and adherence to a system as so controlling our lives. You can always close down your facebook account and as long as that choice exists, like your choice to pass your wealth on to someone when you die; form in time and space is determined by relative association, not a universal order and the very substructure of existence. If the Christ Nature scheme were public and accessible it would be authoritatively ordered binding individuals to the collective well-being and disorder, both irrespectively, meaning someone cannot simple turn away, ignore, reject or accept something without detailed insinuations known and available for access to everyone else.
Breaking down the capitalist structure, a socialist system should ideally have an exit and entry, so that at some stage the CEO's can becomes hermits, and an enlightened hermit (prophet) can become a CEO. The goal of course is that there isn't aggressive and inhuman abuse of the system, crippling its growth capacity and ruining various lives in process. The same regard in fact deems certain individuals as irrefutably entities, and the Royal decrees until this day have been slowly disempowered from the collective securities, and regarded as individually valued but disempowered. Should social media and Horoscorpio contrive to certify entitlement in the process of collectivisation, the proportion scale could be satisfactorily equated ideally, meaning that there aren't excessively poor or excessively rich, as the level and regard of responsibility is accurately administered. Further afield one might ask just what is the difference to communism? The specific restrictive capacity of the product of twitter for example, which won't tomorrow suddenly force someone to abide by their tweet. Though what if it wasn't your tweet anymore, but just data, which was part of the sublime nature of social reality? As Horoscorpio hasn't attracted any investment to date, apparently the control and monitoring of the individual within the already immersed collective experience is crucial. One to the scientific knowing perhaps, and another day, in the social fabrics which change colour according to light and eye sensitivity.
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