Pitch deck on offer and Historical recounting
The newest pitch deck highlights the three typical approaches to revenue for Horoscorpio. Also there is detail regarding the distinction to traditional gypsy-style astrology. This can be elaborated:
Without access to the quantifiable data, fortune hunters have typically made short cuts, and abbreviations in all the right places. Ensuring that the holisitc approach serves to deliver a therapeutic benefit, the provisions have historically proven contentious and considered in kind pseudo-science by the disciplined mind. Articulating the distinction in planetology and the specific orientation towards planetary aspects, and how people are associated to the motions of the planets, is Horoscorpio's unique offering. By having inherently identifiable qualitative differences, accorded to the positions the unique service is distinct to astrology which places significance upon a date of birth for interpretative authority. In fact its a universalist creed, and has served to provide collective associative understanding to the 12 archetypes popularly astrology. Whilst Horoscorpio does attribute these 12 signs in references, there is no universalist principle, that forged in unitary basis without literal meaning, or reason for purpose. Horoscorpio doesn't recount the "sign" tradition whatsoever.
This as said however is the later historical fact, whilst originally in China, and Babylon where the modern animist systematic schemes were created, astrology had more definitive authority. The archetypes were authorised by power systems far rarer these days. Beset in congruent associative value, attributable to the master-slave dichotomy largely, the orientation was more universally assumable because of the sharp distinction in career and wealth. More modern revivals such as Italian, attributable to the late Roman period and early Christian evolution, saw the intensive spiritualistic values independent of physical/material issues. This is far closer to the western and hindu astrologies of today, or many other cultural varieties traditioning the celestial equations.
https://www.icloud.com/keynote/000jA1jfUf-0-2tb5f0rJK2WQ#Horoscorpio_Pitch_Deck_2016 …
Without access to the quantifiable data, fortune hunters have typically made short cuts, and abbreviations in all the right places. Ensuring that the holisitc approach serves to deliver a therapeutic benefit, the provisions have historically proven contentious and considered in kind pseudo-science by the disciplined mind. Articulating the distinction in planetology and the specific orientation towards planetary aspects, and how people are associated to the motions of the planets, is Horoscorpio's unique offering. By having inherently identifiable qualitative differences, accorded to the positions the unique service is distinct to astrology which places significance upon a date of birth for interpretative authority. In fact its a universalist creed, and has served to provide collective associative understanding to the 12 archetypes popularly astrology. Whilst Horoscorpio does attribute these 12 signs in references, there is no universalist principle, that forged in unitary basis without literal meaning, or reason for purpose. Horoscorpio doesn't recount the "sign" tradition whatsoever.
This as said however is the later historical fact, whilst originally in China, and Babylon where the modern animist systematic schemes were created, astrology had more definitive authority. The archetypes were authorised by power systems far rarer these days. Beset in congruent associative value, attributable to the master-slave dichotomy largely, the orientation was more universally assumable because of the sharp distinction in career and wealth. More modern revivals such as Italian, attributable to the late Roman period and early Christian evolution, saw the intensive spiritualistic values independent of physical/material issues. This is far closer to the western and hindu astrologies of today, or many other cultural varieties traditioning the celestial equations.
https://www.icloud.com/keynote/000jA1jfUf-0-2tb5f0rJK2WQ#Horoscorpio_Pitch_Deck_2016 …
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