a Zen moment to lap up

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Pictures say one thousand words right? So this snippet tells much more and for my data infrastructure plans at Horoscorpio. I wish you could see this, but sadly the damn video link and file just won't go on site. So picture instead of many dog bowls, aspects between any of the planets. One dog eats at a bowl, as the experience of one aspect is ongoing in time and perceived and known on Earth and to anyone. There is inevitably one of each of the kinds of aspects happening relatively more past or future, and as determined by the orb sets, and this is your pets insatiable appetite. Horoscorpio is the owner, assuring each aspect can be known and identified as an individual experience (so thwarted by doggie communitarianism). Likewise each of the entities is attaining nourishment.

As shown the dogs aren't content with their own bowls, rather prefer another one and many perhaps the same one. As to be expected associating qualities with the planets and their aspect at any time is a dogs emotional response to having a designated bowl; it's a dog's dinner. Who can really say in the end whether qualities of your experience pertain to a square or a 'trine' alignment or if 'venus' or 'saturn' is really ruling? Indeed Horoscorpio will continually act to separate the scales to ascertain the dominant aspect of any given time, that is to say the auto-correction of returning each entity to their consignment and so according undisputed nourishment for all on the basis of equality.

Funny Skit: and so much more... the video link appears broken, so click here for now


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